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What is MIDI Art and MIDI Drawing?

MIDI art is a fun, emerging technique that’s taking the internet by storm. This unusual approach to songwriting centers around creating 2-D art from colored MIDI notes in the piano roll of a Digital Audio Workstation, displayed to the listener for their amusement.

Not all MIDI art sounds good, but it usually expresses a visual concept. The emergence of MIDI art owes its success in large part to video content on Youtube and other social media channels. Live MIDI artists Glaysys even won second prize in the 2022 MIDI Innovation Awards.

To learn and watch some videos, check out this article on MIDI art at the Audiocipher site. Or if you prefer to jump to a specific topic, here are some anchors you can use:

What is MIDI art?

Where did MIDI art come from?

Assigning Pitch Colors in the MIDI piano roll

MIDI drawings that actually sound good

Virtual reality and the future of MIDI art